Its been said many time by Christians everywhere, "Lord, I want to know you more." Let me tell you you will not know him more by telling him such things. If you truly desire to know the heart of God, then get out into the places where un-churched people are, because according to the Bible, and my own experience, this is where the heart of God is.
It is continuously recorded that Jesus hung out with the "tax collectors and sinners". Let me just tell you straight up that he wouldn't of hung out
there if he didn't like it. In fact when Jesus was questioned why he did this he said, "Those who are well have no need for a physician, but those who are sick" [Matt 9:12] Jesus obviously loved to go out of his way, and even ruin his own reputation to love on those who had not known love: those rejected by any of the "righteous" of the day. Who knew that righteousness was actually love and grace to those who don't deserve it?
The people that Jesus died for look very different from each other.
They are of all different races and religions. Their skin could be any color. They are far from perfect people. You see them on the street corner, or at the grocery store. They are hotel managers, landlords, alcoholics, and abusive fathers. They are CEOs, and slum dogs. They are the people you see in the magazines, and even your own family. They are every person. Even you and I.
That is where you will find the heart of God.
This is where all his passions and desires are. Every hope and dream is for those people. Every thought he has, every decision he makes, every act he does is for them. He even allowed his own son to die that they might live. All of his dreams are for them. And WE are his dreams!!

When I asked other people what they would do with $15,000, some knew exactly what they would do, and others were not quite so sure, but all of them would use it for the good of other people. I was ashamed as my selfishness was disclosed. I had always thought that if God gave you money that it was for yourself. However, now I understand that I am a dream of God, and God dreams for the good of people. So if you have a need and God gives you money, than use it for the need first. That is okay. But then take the leftovers and fulfill a dream of God with it! Weather that means paying someone's car payment, or building an orphanage to transform hundreds of lives, use the money you have to help other people.
This is also necessary in EVERY area of our lives. I began to realize throughout my day how much I hold back from people, and how much I'd rather give to myself. Jesus said, "greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." [John 15:13] He also said, "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it."[Matt 10:39]
–noun 1. cause
2.purpose or end
If you lay down your life for your friends you will actually find your life because Jesus' cause, purpose, and end is love.
As 1Cor 13 so clearly states, you can do plenty of good deeds and good works, but if your motivation isnt love, than its pointless. You can disciple people, heal people, hug people, pray etc. but if you are only doing it to make yourself look good, or make yourself famous, then its meaningless. You must do it for the good of other people.
From now on I am dedicating my life to live for other people before myself. I live to make other people great. I live to make other people happy. I live to get other people to dream, and to dream big, because anything is possible with love, and He lives inside me.
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ReplyDeleteCome on, thats where its at. After reading matthew 9:12 in your post, it just clicked for me, haha thank you SDubs. BTW, your good at being you. You rocked peoples lives more than you know the other day.
ReplyDeleteYour article about giving up your life for others is wonderful. you are a huge encouragement to me!!!!! and I miss you...xoxoxoxBonnie