Monday, August 5, 2013

The Adventure Framework - Summer 2013

 I have long postponed this blog, and now to my regret, for there is much to tell. Most of the time I dont even know whats going on in this adventure I'm in, so I've not know how to tell of it. But let me at least give you the framework. :)

To begin, I will speak of Andrew and I's adventure to the UK! It was a grand adventure, indeed. We came back with many more memories to cherish, a couple a pints in our bellies, a new found patriotism, and tired bodies. We saw many awesome sights throughout Scotland and Ireland, experienced the culture and the amazing history. We ventured to Loch Ness in Scotland, rode the Underground in London during rush hour, kissed the Blarney Stone in Southern Ireland, and climbed to the top of Crough Patrick in the north of
Ireland. We met many awesome people, talked to sheep, saw many beautiful and amazing sights...including the Cliffs of Moher(some of the tallest sea-side cliffs in the world), Ben Nevis(tallest mountain in Scotland), and the rolling green hills of Ireland.
Some firsts we had was hitch-hiking("thumbing". as the locals called it), staying at hostels and B&Bs, and driving on the left side of the road.

Overall, it was a rewarding experience that helped us broaden our horizons and perspective on our lives. We came to the overwhelming realization that we LOVE the USA! and are very proud citizens. Not to say that the UK was bad, because we enjoyed it very much, but as far as living somewhere (as far as our experiences have led us so far), no place can compare to the USA. :) We have a lot more to offer here.

Crowne Plaza Cabana in Palo Alto, CA
And now that we're back, we've been working our butts off! Andrew has been working on marketing for his house-flipping company and the company they are partnered with, and I have been working for the past month. I got a full time position as a PBX Operator/Front Desk Clerk at the Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel in Palo Alto, CA. Its been challenging but fun for me. Probably the most challenging part is learning to communicate and relay information with the guests in a professional manor. This is the complete opposite of what I learned at Winter Park. We were taught to be polite, but laid back, friendly, and real. One thing I'm learning, though is that I can be all that in a professional manor. But its challenging for me. Especially when the guests are uptight and demanding, and don't speak good English - if any. However, as far as jobs go, this one is the most perfect one for me. I fit in well with the position and the people I work with. They are all so amazing and beautiful people, and a pleasure to work with and work for.

The apartment I was to get didn't end up working out after all, so I've had no choice than to move in to Andrew's parent's house, where he and his family live, for the presant. Its been fun, although a little strange because, except when I am working we are with each other all the time. And I wonder "is this the 'wild' adventure that God told me about?" Cause I would certainly believe it if it was! Its been a lot of fun. We've diffidently had our challenges, but we've worked them out, and its been fun! Its strange because it feels like we're married only we've never have sex (omg, I just said the "s" word in my blog!). That's something I really want everyone to know, though. Most people assume that if you live together that you're also sleeping together, and I want to let you all know that that is something we both really want to save for marriage. Its been hard, especially now that it seems we're married in every other way, but its not even an option for us because we've made up our minds that that's not an option. [MORE ON THIS IN BLOGS TO COME]

I'm considering taking a few classes at Foothill community collage in the Fall. I have applied and been excepted. I would be taking writing, drawing, and watercolor classes if I did.

This is the frame work for my current adventure. :)

And in the midst of all this, love is fighting for my attention and my heart....